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12 June 2004

This meeting is also part of the "Ensemble dans le Sport / Insieme nello Sport / Sport together / Unidos en el Deporte" circuit !     

17e AtletiCAGenève
Swiss Meeting

Memorial Georges Caillat

Visit the club's website     

General information 2004:
Photos 2004 Discover the photos of the meeting View all the photos of the meeting 2004 © J. Maspoli 2004
Results 2004


[Excel] or [HTML]
If you find any mistake (Name, nationality, club, year of birth, ...) please contact us.
Calculate your performance with the dynamic Hungarian Table:

PARTICIPANTS 2004 Help us updating our participants' list. Check your name and contact us if we need to update with your most recent performance, or other data. Thank you !
Download the Participants' list [Status Friday 11 June 2004 00h00]:
EAP 2002 Meeting rating [HTML file] [HTML] or the
[Excel] version
TIMETABLE 2004 Final version of the timetable.
Discover the programme + price-money + our record list + protocolar ceremonies.
Download the
EAP 2002 Meeting rating [HTML file] [HTML] or the
[Excel] version

Archives 2003:

List of results 2003

You can download the list of results.

[HTML] [Excel]
If you find any mistake (Name, nationality, club, year of birth, ...) please contact us.
2003 Complete programme and participants' list
  • List of participants (updated Thursday 14 June, 7.00 a.m.) => Should you find any mistake, please contact us immediately !
  • You can download our complete programme in PDF file [6.3 Mb]

    [Participants list in HTML]
[Participants list in Word]

    Download the updated list of participants [Complete programme in PDF]
2003 Timetable Discover the previsional timetable EAP 2002 Meeting rating [HTML file] [HTML] [Excel]

Meeting's Results Geneva has realized 7 meeting's records, 3 of which are also new EAP records!
In addition, an outstanding performance in 110m hurdles, by Andrea Giaconi, ITA, that realized 13"37 (wind +2.1) and 13"42 (wind: +2.4). Italian record of Laurent Ottoz (13.44) is then still valid ..
In 400m hurdles, Jean-Théodore OLIVIER, FRA, ran in 48"33. This would have been the 4th world season's best performance if OLIVIER did not take from hurdle 4 on, Marcel SCHELBERT'S, SWI, lane ...
Wiew or download the list of results.
   Download the updated list of participants Discover our list of results in HTML format [HTML]
   Download the updated list of participants  Results in Word format
Contact meeting organizer ?
Visit meeting's website ?
Visit regional association website ?
Visit SwissMeetings website ?
Visit swiss Federation website ?

Meeting director:
Pascal Thurnherr

17, rue du Grand-Bureau
CH - 1227 Les Acacias / Genève
Tel.-Fax: #41 / (0)22 342 24 36
Mobile: #41 / (0)79 241 85 46

Archives 2002:

Meeting timetable
Timetable (final)
    In Timetable in Word format format
Horaire (définitif)

    Au format
L'horaire est disponible au format Word aussi

Entry standards

Bonus system
Prize moneys
Podium & Records

Meeting records
All-time Meeting records:
EAP 2004 Meeting records in HTML [HTML] EAP 2004 Meeting records in Excel format [Excel]

Sponsors and partners 2002
Ville de Genève:
Service des Sports
Service des Sports de la Ville de Genève
Gas naturel / Erdgas Ostschweiz
La Mobilière Suisse
Rivella AG
Migros Genève
Carrefour Prévention
Radio Lac
Radio Lac
Office du Tourisme de Genève
Geneva Tourism
Zschokke Entreprise Générale SA
Zschokke Entreprise Générale SA, Genève

Fondation Suisse de Cardiologie

Fondation Suisse de Cardiologie

Archives 2001:

2001 Meeting Quotation
Download the complete Excel file

IAAF criteria:
38'602 pts (men)
36'299 pts (women)
TOTAL: 74'901 PTS
Old criteria (best 36 performances):
19'422 pts (men)
17'243 pts (women)
TOTAL: 38'807 PTS
Tips - Tips - Tips - Tips -Tips - Tips -Tips - Tips -Tips - Tips -Tips - Tips -Tips - Tips -Tips - Tips -Tips - Tips -Tips -Tips - Tips -Tips
Use the public transports in Geneva (TPG) ! Geneva public transports: bus and "tram" To reach the stadium (Bout-du-Monde) from the railway station (Genève Cornavin), take the bus n° 8, then at the Louis-Aubert stop, take the bus n°11. (23 min. approx.).
Other itinerary are also possible. Please consult the www.tpg.ch web site.
Global Maps
 Find a location in Geneva with the Interactive map of the town:
Interactive map of Geneva Interactive Map of Geneva
Geneva with Hotel and
Stadium locations
Global access map Global road access map

How to get to the stadium
+ other useful information ? =>
Click here !
Stade du Bout-du-Monde
Rte de Vessy, 14,
1206 Champel - Genève
Phone: +41 (0)22 346 94 00
(the day of the meeting only)
Phone : 0041 (0)22 347 80 87

Look at the stadium location Close view / Large view
Access map (close view)
close view
Access map (large view) large view
How to get to the hotel(s) ?

We have 3 first class hotels to lodge the athletes (Hôtel Century is the "headquarter"):

24, avenue de Frontenex
1207 Genève / Eaux-Vives
Tél. +41 022 592 88 88
Fax. +41 (0)22 592 88 78
E-mail: hotelcentury@bluewin.ch

Close view Century close view / large view
Hotel Century **** Details on the Hotels
Century ****/ Diplomate**** / Churchill ****

15, rue du Simplon
Tel. : +41 (0)22 591 88 88
Fax : +41 (0)22 591 88 78
E-mail: hotelchurchill@bluewin.ch
46, rue de la Terrassière
1207 Genève
Tél. +41 (0)22 592 87 87
Fax +41 (0)22 592 87 78

History of the stadium /
Histoire du stade du Bout-du-Monde
History of the Sport Center in Geneva
English:short history
Français: Brève histoire du Centre sportif du Bout-du-Monde
Visit other interesting sites ? Geneva Tourisme Yoodle

Download the logos:

>> AtletiCAGenève logo (in gif)
>> Swissmeetings logo (in gif)
>> Club's (CAG) logo (in gif)

Archives previous editions:
Archives, previous editions:
>> Results 2001 (html)
>> List of participants 2001 (html)
>> Programme brochure 2001 (in pdf)
>> Results 2000 (html)
>> Results 2000 (self-extractible Word file)
>> List of participants 2000 (html)
>> Programme brochure 2000 (in pdf)

>> Timetable 2000 (in gif)
>> Meeting evaluation 2000 (self-extractible Word file, French version)
>> Meeting evaluation 1999 (self-extractible Word file, French version)

>> Meeting evaluation 1997 (self-extractible Word file, French version)
Photos of the 1997 edition (thanks and © Antoine Conod. From the club's website)

The Club !

Club's website

Centre Athlétique de Genève"CAG"
Case postale 1292
CH - 1211 Genève 1

Compte de chèques : 12 - 4210 -9

Organization's committee

>> Committee:
• Pablo Cassina, President
• Pascal Thurnherr, Meeting Director
• Jean-Daniel Oberson, Logistics and Liaisons with the club

CAG-Members access only Go to the secure page of the Organisation's committe
(restricted acces for members of the organization committee only)
Meet our 2 speakers: Laurent Meuwly
manager du sport dipl. AOS/IDHEAP
1595 Faoug
Mobile +079 446 13 21
Tel. +41 26 341 08 28
Fax +41 26 323 23 86

Jacky Desmures
17, impasse Champais

Tel / Fax: 0033 4 50 60 22 93

©: pablo cassina, www.pca-services.biz 2004