EAP Official web site
Athletics european circuit
 [ News ]  
10 September 2004 The 14th Annual EAP Congress will take place in the Geneva region.
As soon as possible, we will establish the first previsional calender with the nex organisations.
AUGUST 2004 EAP in Athens !
Our president, Mr Noël Levêque, speaker for the Belgian TV, in Athens at the Olympic stadium.
Click to open the photo in larger dimension.
16 august 2004 This year's EAP season has ended this WE with the meetings in Nivelles and Fribourg.
Alltogether 15 meetings under the EAP label (2 indoors + 13 outdoors) and 10 new EAP outdoor records! Excellent level of organisation and outstanding performances serving athletes coming from all parts of the world.
Thank you to all the athletes for their fair-play during the competitions and their personal contribution by declaring on their honour, not being doped.
12 May 2003 Total visitors: 17'162 in two years (first year 8'412 and second year 8'750).
This means an average of 23 new visitors per day for the first year and 24 new visitors for the second year.
2nd July 2002 Total visitors of the EAP web site: more than 10'000 :-)
24th June 2002 Braga will organize an international 10'000m on Friday 28th June, replacing somehow the meeting of 3 July.
Click here for more details.
12th June 2002 Celle Ligure organizes the Press Conference to promote the meeting and the EAP.
Read the speech of the mayor and look at the photo.
Larger view
12th June 2002 Total visitors: 8412. Incredible success of our site ! Since last month, May 12th, you've been 1810 new visitors. This means an average of more than 60 per day. Thank you !!
8th June 2002 Braga cancelled: the IV international Meeting of Braga has been cancelled.
More details: click here (Portuguese version). English version to follow.
12th May 2002 6'602 visitors in one year (since we've added the counter): this is an average of over 18 visitors per day !
11th May 2002 Best european performance of the year on 3000, steeple in Palafrugell !
Thanks to JOSE LUIS BLANCO QUEVEDO (Spain) that won the 3000m steeple in 8:34:68 !
4th March 2002 Pre-registration form.
You can now pre-register to any EAP meeting from the EAP web site !
A specific form has been created for each meeting. Your request will be sent to the organizer. He will contact you within 48 hrs.
24th January 2002 The EAP programme has gone under press.
You will find at the first indoor competitions, all around Europe, starting from Belgium.
If you want to receive the electronic version (PDF format, just watch out our Download section from Monday 28th on or contact us directly.
21th January 2002

The newsletter is also availabale in spanish !
Thanks to Mar Gomila, previous responsible of the Barcelona UBAE Meeting, you can now subscribe to the spanish version of the newsletter. Spanish subscribers will automatically receive the newsletter in spanish from now on..

10th January 2002

10 January 2001 - 10 January 2002
The EAP website has one year !
Happy birthday to youuu ... In this year, the website has been visited by over 3'300 different persons.
A succes for this first anniversary.

6th December 2001 Change of the hosting provider. This will allow extended and more dynamic features.
20th November 2001 3'000 visitors since May 12th. This is about 16-17 new visitors a day. Congratulations !
18th November 2001 The first EAP all-time records is now available ! Discover the fabulous performances and the presitgious names that have made the EAP celebrity.
11th November 2001 After the EAP Congress and its 15 organisations for 2002, the EAP website is fully updated.
5th November 2001

Namur has a new website address:

3d November 2001 The EAP sends out its first newsletter, in three languages: French, Italian and English. More than 400 eMail addresses receive it and it's a good success.
1st October 2001 The EAP members have their secure section !
Are you a member ?
In this part, EAP members find all information and documentation concerning the internal rules, EAP-ranking, forms, and many other useful documents.
24 September 2001 Final EAP Ranking
Important changes in the top EAP meeting ranking, since August 5th.

Download the Table and all the details in the following formats:

05 August 2001

Top EAP meeting Ranking.
Status, 5th July, after 8 meetings.

Methodology: for each meeting we took in consideration the following elements:
- IAAF quotation (by women, by men, then total)
- Best 36 events (by women, by men, then total)
- Number of performances scoring > than 1100 pts
- Number of points of the best performance
- Number of points of the 36th performance
- Average of points of the best 36 performances
Then each of the previous scores was then quoted as: best rank = 11 pts, 2d = 10 pts, 3d = 9 pts, etc. etc.

See the Table and the details in the Excel spreadsheet (also available as HTML file)

Discover the intermediate EAP Ranking:

1st: Braga (99 pts)
2nd: Geneva (95 pts)
3d: Palafrugell (87 pts)
4th: Gavà (86 pts)
5th: Imperia (76 pts)
6th: Andorra (66 pts)
7th: L'Aigle (58)

P.S. Pierre Bénite: results not received

16 July 2001 Jacques Rogge is the new CIO's president ! Learn more about him (French article). Jacque Rogge, New CIO's president
29 June 2001 More than 1'000 different visitors on our site since May 12th 2001 !
12 June 2001 Since the page counter has been installed on the site (12 May) you've been 700 visitors ! This means around 25 different visitors a day during this period. Thank you for your interest in our website :-)
5 May 2001 La France a obtenu l'organisation de la Coupe d'Europe d'athlétisme 2002, qui aura lieu les 22 et 23 juin à Annecy (Haute-Savoie).
L'édition 2001 aura lieu les 23 et 24 juin à Brême (Allemagne) avec l'Allemagne, l'Espagne, la France, la Grande-Bretagne, l'Italie, la République tchèque, la Russie et l'Ukraine. Les deux pays classés derniers de cette compétition descendent en division inférieure et les deux meilleurs de la division inférieure accèdent à la Suproligue.
3 May 2001

A new collaboration between the EAP site and the site of Stéphane Kerboeuf athlenet.fr "L'athlé du Net". Welcome !
Une nouvelle collaboration entre le site EAP et le site de Stéphnae Kerboeuf athlenet.fr "L'athlé du Net". Bienvenue !

www.athlenet.fr.st "L'Athlé du Net"
25 April 2001 Updated version of the electronic EAP programme. Download the PDF file with the latest upgrade or go to the download section and open the .gif files. Download directly the PFD (1.7 Mb) EAP Programme
11 April 2001 Andorra has a new website at the adress http://www.mypic.ad/cava Andorra website
15 March 2001 Discussion forum temporarily desactivated
14 March 2001 Visit our new page "links". Sorted by categories, you'll find all what you need to organise your season, discuss about athletics matter, etc. Click here >>
3 March 2001

Merci à David Durand de référencer notre site sur athletissimo.com et d'écrire sur la page d'accueil :
Thanks to David Durand for referencing our site on athletissimo.com and to write on the homepage :

Athletissimo.com > a site to discover and visit every day !
"03/03 La rubrique des Liens vient d'être mise à jour retrouver des centaines de sites d'athlé : Clubs, fédérations, comités, ligues, sites étrangers et sites de compétitions. A voir le site de l'Europe Athlétisme Promotion : http://www.eap-circuit.org. Les compétitions sont sympas et plus ouvertes que nos meetings Nationaux mais avec des athlètes de niveau International."
3 March 2001 Discover our Poster, special World Indoor Championships ! Want to download and print it ?
18 February 2001 The PDF version of the 2001 book is available !
Download it from the "Download section" and ask to receive a paper copy directly at home. Subscribe for the book.
17 February 2001 The EAP discussion forum is online !
Say simply Hello, Ciao, Salut, Hoi o Hola and make the Forum live !
13 February 2001 Small changes in Namur's programme: 400m (men and women) is canceled.
12 February 2001

The EAP programme is under press !
If you want to receive a copy, please eMail us and we will send it to you asap !
Don't forget to comunicate your full address and, if possible, your function (athlete, coach, club, federation etc.).

10 February 2001

Your favorite web site, release 2.0, is online.
New Look & Feel and several updates of the site :-)

9 February 2001

Another new EAP member website !
New meeting's website for Palafrugell ! Discover the complete programme and bookmark it!

8 February 2001

Your EAP website, also available at ...
http://www.eap-circuit.org !
But also still available at

6 February 2001

New EAP member website
New club's website for Brasschaat ! Discover it and bookmark it!

10 January 2001 The first release of the official EAP website is born at http://perso.infonie.fr/eap

©: pablo cassina, 2003